I am a writer.
Harvard Review (2015)
Flowers & Gardeners Bicycle for the Mind (2019)
Personal Essays
Why We Value Our Phones for Astropad (2018)
Do More with Less
for Modern Logic (2018)
Brand Writing
How-To Books
The Loft Literary Center
Mighty Media Press
Zoetrope: All-Story
For 15 years, I have been writing and editing content for publishers and brands. Web and print production backgroundProduction experience in both marketing and books and magazines. Taught, read, MFA, Zoetrope. Learn more about my experience here.
I’m interested in traditions and technology, families and processes. My style is straightforward and clear. I like writing about big ideas in an accessible way, and I like writing about modern things that are actually governed by very old things.
The youngest of six, I was born and raised in rural Minnesota. Now nearly 40, I’ve lived almost exactly as many years in cities (from Sevilla to San Francisco) as I have out in the sticks. I live in Northeast Minneapolis with my husband, daughter, son and dog.
Garden to Table
Mighty Media Press (2015)
Parks & Trails
Abdo Publishing (2016)
“Katherine was an ideal collaborator with a collegial and gracious manner.”